There is a method or way of learning that works most effectively for you. Discovering it will open up your world. My aim is to help you find it. Answer the questions in the article for yourself and read my responses.
You will be compiling a list of things to help you experiment and find your learning method. This is a discovery process. I want to share with you my own journey to help you think of ideas to experiment on.
Let me start by saying my grade point average for high school was a C+. The formal teaching and learning style of public education never worked for me. I admit I was lazy too but also uninterested. All that changed after I graduated and was no longer compelled to learn.
- Ask your self, what is it that makes learning difficult or undesirable for me? List those things that come to mind.
The first thing I learned was I need to have an interest in the subject and not feel I’m being forced to learn. This only came to my awareness after the formal education years. I experienced hunger for knowledge and a pull to explore. I remember distinctly wanting to know how a combustion engine worked. I’m not a mechanic or motorhead. I just wanted to know. I ended up in the public library (there was no Internet then) and found a book to explain it to me.
But interest in learning wasn’t enough. My learning was short-lived, sporadic, and superficial. I had no focus and no study habits. I felt less hungry now but more malnourished.
2. Ask your self, what promotes sustained, satisfying, enjoyable learning for me? List those things that come to mind.
The second thing I learned was interest was not enough. I need to have a passion to keep me going. Interest in learning something is like snacking for me. Passion is like a banquet! That is how I got into my profession of being a software developer. I found a passion for creating powerful meaningful software that drove my desire to learn to code and architect software.
But there was still something missing. Something that led to It was my deepest, most enjoyable, and enduring learning came when I shared what I learned with others.
3. Ask yourself, how can I share what I learn with others? List those things that come to mind.
The third thing I learned was a banquet for one is a sad affair. I could feast but without someone to share and enjoy it with my desire to partake of it was diminished. Teaching others helps you learn at the same time.
Your method of learning may overlap with others but you have your own unique optimal style. Ponder what you have written down on your list. Start experimenting with ideas you get as you think through the list. Write down what is working and what doesn’t. Be patient with yourself. You will become more aware of your learning style and feel yourself grow in learning. Please share with me your experiences. I hope this will help you.